
There are three primary ways we can work together. . .

1) Take a tour of your inner landscape in Spark Your Creativity: A Writing Journey into the Deep Imagination. This small group, 5-week program will help you create highly imaginative, powerful writing. Click here for a full description of the SPARK program.

2) JOURNEY is a 12-month group program where you focus on a single project—memoir, novel, poetry collection, series of essays—whatever you want to commit to. You receive:

  • Three group meetings each month
  • Monthly lessons on the craft of writing
  • Community support and feedback on your writing
  • My editorial eye on what you write in the program
  • Coaching in mindset strategies to counter resistance and keep your writing flowing
  • Private coaching to help you stay on track during the year

To get a sense of the projects people work on in JOURNEY, watch this video featuring recent JOURNEY members reading their work aloud to celebrate their writing progress.

Get in touch with me here if you’d like information on the JOURNEY program.

Check out the links to all ten issues of Spirited Voices, a magazine that features the work of many current or past members of the JOURNEY program.

3) Private Coaching. I love leading groups—they provide a profound level of support and community that helps writers blossom. And my JOURNEY program includes some private coaching. But if private coaching alone, without group support, is the only thing you’re interested in, let me know here and we can talk.

You can also hire me to help you in these areas:

  • Editing of memoir and self-help or transformational books. See a list of memoirs I’ve edited here.
  • Book consulting for nonfiction writers interested in self-publishing
  • Workbook design for authors, speakers, coaches, and consultants